Useful & Interesting Website Directory

These are the best websites to stay informed about water pollution, and how to best protect your family. There also some cool tools to calculate your personal water footprint, and learn about your impact on the environment.

We thought it would be a good idea to put a list together of all the websites we use to stay up to date with the latest news on water pollution, the environment, and water filters. There are some great sites out there that don’t get the attention that they deserve, and also the ones that are so important that everyone should know about them. We have no affiliation with any of these websites, we just think they’re interesting, informative, or cool!


Circle of Blue

Circle of Blue provides great articles about worldwide water crises. From drinking water problems in America to drought and climate change in Africa, Circle of Blue has some great writers, and tackles topics which aren’t “fashionable” enough for the mainstream media to cover. It relies on donations, and definitely deserves your attention.


The Water Quality Association

The WQA is a non-profit international trade association that represents the residential, commercial and industrial water treatment industry. They offer some great advice, and guides about buying water filters, and also what contaminants  to look for in your water. Their ‘Contaminants of Emerging Concern’ page is particularly interesting. They offer their own water filter certification program, and can help you find certified professionals, products, and water treatment providers.


Water Footprint

This site deals with our impact on the planet through our water consumption habits. It has a really cool personal water footprint calculator. After inputting some details about your dietary and water use habits, it will calculate your water footprint. I was quite shocked at my result, and it has definitely made me reconsider some of my daily lifestyle choices. Give it a try!



The NSF is a public health and safety organization, that also offers a water filter certification program. They have tried and tested many filters, and can rate them based on their effectiveness at removing certain contaminants. You can use their website to search for filters that target specific water contaminants. If you have an issue with lead, then simply check the box and let the their tool find you the best filters for this problem.  This is a really cool tool, that everyone should know about.


Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

The CDC website provides up to date information on worldwide health crises. It is particularly useful for finding out information on water problems like in Flint, Michigan, and offers advice on how to stay safe. There is a drinking water section that offers general help and information.


Natural Resource Defense Council

The NRDC are a team of lawyers and activists that are fighting to protect our natural resources (like water) from the greed of big business. They come up with some really innovative solutions to common water problems, and fight for tighter legislation of our clean water laws.



Environmental Protection Agency

The EPA is concerned with protecting the environment, and reducing our impact on the world. It has some great ideas about how to use less water, and electricity, and how to be more responsible people. It also has links to the annual Consumer Confidence Reports, posted by community water systems for their customers. These include information on the levels of detected contaminants found in water, and compliance with drinking water rules. Information is listed for each state in the USA.


United Nations Water

This ones for the environmentally conscience. This is the United Nations branch which deals solely with water issues like sanitation. Their reports are eye-opening, and sometimes shocking, but interesting and very necessary. They post really interesting articles on their Facebook page, about technology and the environment.


U.S. Geological Survey

This has a great educational tool, which teaches about all things water related at both adult and child levels. You can find out about water cycles, groundwater, glaciers, and practically anything there is to know about water. The information is presented in interactive games and pictures, which makes it really easy to digest even the more complicated scientific concepts.


Scientific American (water)

By searching the scientific journal catalogue for ‘water’ you can get some really unusual articles. Articles titles  like’ Drinking from the Toilet’, ‘Is Radioactive Hydrogen in Drinking Water a Cancer Threat?’, and ‘Drinking: An Acrobatic Tongue Act’ immediately grab your attention and demand you read them. Unfortunately, this service is not free (possibly free for students I think) so you might just be left to wonder…

We’ll add more resources to this page, as and when we come across them. Please ‘Like’ our Facebook page to stay informed! Theres’s a link at the top of the page.

If you’d like to see which water filters can protect your water best, then check out our review pages for reverse osmosis and whole house water filters.


Hi I'm Jamie, teacher and owner/chief contributor at We strive to bring you the most informative water filter reviews in the most intuitive and user friendly way. Besides offering advice on the water filter to suit your needs, we also post topical articles on water pollution and the environment. Stay connected and follow us on, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more!

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