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Worried about fracking in your community? We discover what dangers might be lurking under the ground…
Read about the history of reverse osmosis. Find out the revolting animal part that was used as the first reverse osmosis membrane. Was this one of the most ...
We discuss the causes of drinking water pollution in North America. The effects of agriculture, big business, and fracking reach right into our homes. How did ...
People have a lot to say about alkaline water, so we take a look at some of the arguments for and against drinking it. Speculation or super drink?
Read about the causes and effects of arsenic contamination of drinking water. If your water is from a private well, you should be particularly wary.
Read our report on the Flint, Michigan water crisis one year on. What has changed, and what can be done to stop this from happening again?
It’s always nice to have information in smaller, more digestible pieces, so on this page we’ve put together a comparison table of our favorite ...
Don’t know which water filter is right for your home? Take a look at our comparison table of whole house water filter reviews, and see how they stack up ...
Notice a drop in performance of your RO system? Find out how to check if your storage tank has a problem. We’ve got the solution too!
We list the 10 most common drinking water contaminants which could be hiding in your water. We’ve all heard of Flint, Michigan’s troubles with ...